A cute little Robot adventures to spread the 9 fruits.


Love Roboughty is a little metal robot with a creative spirit that goes on an adventure through the Nine Fruits islands.
During his journeys, he has to travel through nine interconnecting islands, each of which carry an important lesson on the fruits of the spirit.
This adventure is not without its challenges.
Like Scrappy, a mischievous little rat that comes from a family of active thieves from the Mad-Lands where plastic is abundant and real metal is highly valued.
Love Roboughty makes new friends with each island, learning valuable lessons that he can share to save others.
In love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

LoFi Love Roboughty are seasonal offerings of 60+ minute LoFi songs and animations that teach on the Fruits of the Spirit through music and animation. The music is intended for you to relax the mind and give you stress relief from a busy day while also creating an environment that is safe for the family to explore Biblical Principles.
Listen and/or watch in the background while you work, study, build, focus, cook, play with your kids, run to the bathroom 😁 knowing you are supporting a family owned business. Sticky Rice Stories is dedicated to high quality works from actual parents who are also Artists, Producers, Singers, Animators, Writers and more.
Govern your household and seek Biblical Principles through chill music and adventurous animations. This is safe for the family .